is there a thing vegeta doesn’t like in his loveydovey love life ?? or maybe he didn’t like but grew used to.



guess the transitional upgrade from “occasional sex friends” to “actual couple” was a bit hard on him (well, on both of them rly) so there were a bunch of stuff he hated at that time. like, everything is going super smoothly after the cell saga and then one day, he realizes he’s having a bubble bath comfortably snuggled against bulma and with 2 cases of outrageously expensive wine holding the candle while she gives him the best handjob ever (and also while telling him he’s pretty because goddamnit if he’s going to get the royal treatment he wants the bonus cheesy romantic compliments coming with it too) and he realizes he really, really, really likes this way more than he should

he realizes the idea of holding her is not as revolting as it used to be, or that all the romantic shit she likes to watch on tv doesn’t seem that shitty anymore, or that he lingers more and more in her bed each time they dance the intergalactic mambo because he genuinely enjoys listening to her rambling about exploded labs or whatever else (he pretends he stays for the king sized bed. even though he has one in his room too. and that they already moved all his stuff in bulma’s room. and that he asked her to change the sheets because he doesn’t like the color green. shutupitcounts). he catches himself kissing her during and after the deed (and not pecks on the lips like he used to, but covering her face with his mouth like an overexcited slobbering puppy whose owner just came home for Christmas or smthg), or forgetting about his own release to concentrate solely on hers (“vegeta no seriously im done i dont think i can take another one”  ”you only had 2 orgasms do yOU THINK THIS IS A GaME” “goddamnit vegeta this isnt one of your pissing conte— gET YOUR FACE AWAY FROM MY VAGINA OR I SWEAR TO GOD I’M EXPLODING THE GR WITH YOU STILL IN IT”) ; the only thing he hates more is the fact that bulma is apparently becoming slowly crazy as well by covering him in gifts all  the time (“…bulma why is there a live crocodile in the kitchen”  ”you said you wanted to eat one that one time”  ”…when did i ever say that”  ”…you might have been asleep”  ”…what the fuck bulma”  ”i juST WANT TO PLEASE YOU”) or jumping on his dick like a sex-starved nun every time he so much as crosses their bedroom’s door (“bULMA NO. NO. BAD BULMA. LET ME TAKE A FRIGGIN SHOWER. NO GODDAMNIT DONT FOLLOW ME IN THE SHOWER”). there’s all the small couple stuff too, like the fact that she takes on pretending she’s asleep while vegeta pretends he doesn’t know she’s pretending so he can stroke her back with the tip of his fingers (and then give his back to her because not only it’s his turn but bulma likes to count his scars with kisses and it just does something to him), or that they huddle together on the couch with 5yo trunks at their feet when it’s movie night, or that they take food from each other’s plates at dinner (that one sounds pretty regular even among friends but food is SACRED to a saiyan. you doNT SHARE THE FOOD. except with cute aliens with pretty blue eyes who want to get a taste of your eggroll apparently)

it’s not that he hates any of those things – but he sure as hell hates the fact that he doesn’t hate them, and tries desperatly to stop himself from acting on his desires most of the time (but then bulma gives him pleading puppy eyes when he stops stroking her back or drooling all over her cheeks so he’s back at it in the second. he’s frowning angrily at his own weakness all the while but still). after the buu fiasco and once he’s finally made peace with the fact that he loves the endearment, it’s much easier  to drag him into these kind of things without him grumbling about it for 20 minutes or pretending he’s here against his own will and he’s not loving every second of every last romantic bathtub handjob bulma graces him with

I wonder if Tumblr will let me keep this…

i love doom rants SOOO SO MUCH

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